Links & Publications


  1. Heger, T.; Jeschke, J.M.; Febria, C.; Kollmann, J.; Murphy, S.; Rochefort, L.; Shackelford, N.; Temperton, V.M.; Higgs, E. 2022. Mapping and assessing the knowledge base of ecological restoration. Restoration Ecology, e13676.
  2. Heger, T.; Zarrieß, S.; Algergawy, A.; Jeschke, J.M.; König-Ries, B. 2022. INAS: interactive argumentation support for the scientific domain of invasion biology. Research Ideas and Outcomes 4, e80457.
  3. Lokatis, S.; Jeschke, J.M. 2022. Urban biotic homogenization: approaches and knowledge gaps. Urban biotic homogenization: approaches and knowledge gaps. Ecological Applications 32, e2703.
  4. Heger, T.; Aguilar-Trigueros, C.A.; Bartram, I.; Braga, R.R.; Dietl, G.P.; Enders, M.; Gibson, D.J.; Gómez-Aparicio, L.; Gras, P.; Jax, K.; Lokatis, S.; Lortie, C.J.; Mupepele, A.-C.; Schindler, S.; Starrfelt, J.; Synodinos, A.D.; Jeschke, J.M. 2021. The hierarchy-of-hypotheses approach: a synthesis method for enhancing theory development in ecology and evolution. BioScience 71, 337–349.
  5. Jeschke, J.M.; Heger, T.; Kraker, P.; Schramm, M.; Kittel, C.; Mietchen, D. 2021. Towards an open, zoomable atlas for invasion science and beyond. NeoBiota 68, 5–18.
  6. Enders, M.; Havemann, F.; Ruland, F.; Bernard-Verdier, M.; Catford, J.A.; Gómez-Aparicio, L.; Haider, S.; Heger, T.; Kueffer, C.; Kühn, I.; Meyerson, L.A.; Musseau, C.; Novoa, A.; Ricciardi, A.; Sagouis, A.; Schittko, C.; Strayer, D.L.; Vilà, M.; Essl, F.; Hulme, P.E.; van Kleunen, M.; Kumschick, S.; Lockwood, J.L.; Mabey, A.L.; McGeoch, M.; Palma, E.; Pyšek, P.; Saul, W.-C.; Yannelli, F.A.; Jeschke, J.M. 2020. A conceptual map of invasion biology: integrating hypotheses into a consensus network. Global Ecology and Biogeography 29, 978–991.
  7. Jeschke, J.; Bartram, I.; Heger, T.; Lokatis, S.; Tockner, K. 2020. Dark Knowledge ans Licht holen. Laborjournal 7–8/2020, 34–37.
  8. Ryo, M.; Jeschke, J.M.; Rillig, M.C.; Heger, T. 2020. Machine learning with the hierarchy-of-hypotheses (HoH) approach discovers novel pattern in studies on biological invasions. Research Synthesis Methods 11, 66–73.
  9. Enders, M.; Havemann, F.; Jeschke, J.M. 2019. A citation-based map of concepts in invasion biology. NeoBiota 47, 23–42.
  10. Jeschke, J.M.; Börner, K.; Stodden, V.; Tockner, K. 2019. Open Access journals need to become first choice, in invasion ecology and beyond. NeoBiota 52, 1–8.
  11. Jeschke, J.M.; Lokatis, S.; Bartram, I.; Tockner, K. 2019. Knowledge in the dark: scientific challenges and ways forward. FACETS 4, 423–441.
  12. Jeschke, J.M.; Heger, T. (eds) 2018. Invasion biology: hypotheses and evidence. CABI, Wallingford, UK.
  13. Braga, R.R.; Gómez-Aparicio, L.; Heger, T.; Vitule, J.R.S.; Jeschke, J.M. 2018. Structuring evidence for invasional meltdown: broad support but with biases and gaps. Biological Invasions 20, 923–936.
  14. Enders, M.; Hütt, M.-T.; Jeschke, J.M. 2018. Drawing a map of invasion biology based on a network of hypotheses. Ecosphere 9, e02146.
  15. Lokatis, S.; Jeschke, J.M. 2018. The island rule: an assessment of biases and research trends. Journal of Biogeography 45, 289–303.
  16. Heger, T.; Jeschke, J.M. 2014. The enemy release hypothesis as a hierarchy of hypotheses. Oikos 123, 741–750.
  17. Jeschke, J.M. 2014. General hypotheses in invasion ecology. Diversity and Distributions 20, 1229–1234.
  18. Heger, T.; Pahl, A.T.; Botta-Dukat, Z.; Gherardi, F.; Hoppe, C.; Hoste, I.; Jax, K.; Lindström, L.; Boets, P.; Haider, S.; Kollmann, J.; Wittmann, M.J.; Jeschke, J.M. 2013. Conceptual frameworks and methods for advancing invasion ecology. Ambio 42, 527–540.
  19. Jeschke, J.M.; Gómez Aparicio, L.; Haider, S.; Heger, T.; Lortie, C.J.; Pyšek, P.; Strayer, D.L. 2012. Support for major hypotheses in invasion biology is uneven and declining. NeoBiota 14, 1–20.